
How Will AI Tech Impact the Warehousing Sector?

AI is impacting thousands of industries around the world and the warehousing sector is no different. Because of this, it’s an important trend to keep an eye on as it may affect your job. But, don’t worry because it isn’t as threatening as it sounds. For the most part, the impacts are helpful for warehouse workers as they simplify the role and make it less boring. Almost every employee wants to benefit from these things, so there’s no need to be fearful.

How will AI tech impact the warehousing sector? Continue reading to find out more.

Machine Learning

There is a huge emphasis on collecting data because it says a lot about customers and their purchasing patterns. Nothing is as revealing as the types of things they buy, their addresses, or their general needs and wants. For a long time, people had to collect this information by hand or use a computer programme which wasn’t very advanced. With the help of AI, the software will store the data automatically without asking. It will also track stock levels and buy more to replenish them. This frees up workers to complete more exciting and pressing tasks throughout the day.

Speech Recognition

Today, it’s possible for a piece of software to distinguish a warehouse worker’s voice and react to their commands. Think of an Amazon Echo with Alexa technology or a Google Home in a factory setting. However, it’s less of an indulgence in a warehouse because it allows people to multitask. Instead of doing one job at once, you can use speech recognition software to take care of a task while doing another. Therefore, there will be less hassle and fewer hours worked without pay trying to catch up. And, there are safety impacts too as you can work hands-free and more securely.


No, they aren’t as futuristic as they sound because they already exist. Not very surprisingly, the leaders of the technological revolution are at the forefront of the technology. However, robots are about to become ubiquitous throughout warehouses in the UK and it will result in less backbreaking labour. Already, they can load and unpack boxes and move items from one location to another with ease. Workers who are used to lifting with their backs won’t need to spend hours resting their aching bones. It’ll be done by a mix of steel and carbon fibre with AI tech.


With all of the above, the people who work in tandem with artificial intelligence will need training. Firstly, this will prevent boredom and break down the monotony of the role. Secondly, it will produce more skilled and qualified workers. This puts the ball back into the hands of the employees. Once you’re certified, it opens up job opportunities throughout the sector and increases your earning potential. It may look like a bad thing, but there’s potential to boost workers’ wages with the help of AI.

If you want to know how will AI tech impact the warehousing sector, it’s by supplementing jobs, not erasing them.

Posted by: Extraman Recruitment