Our Team
The Senior Management team of Extraman has accumulated a service history that is rare in this competitive and often transient market sector. The loyalty that Extraman inspires in its staff has ensured continuity and consistency of service that has reaped benefits for both the Company and our Clients, and many of whom have remained staunchly loyal to the Extraman brand.
We freshen up our team from time to time by attracting a rare breed of earlybird Consultants (our emails are manned from 6.30am, while the office opens at 9.00), often from the far reaches of the planet, who often give us one to two years of heady service before heading home to establish themselves as industry leaders with the knowledge and experience gained in the heartland that is London SW5.
All of the operations are administered by back office staff for whom the integrity of ensuring temps receive the service they deserve is paramount. For us, our temps represent an integral part of our team, and many have remained on our books for years, and occasionally decades...
Everyone who works for Extraman has instant access to management whenever they want it. While we strive extremely hard to eliminate the payrolling problems that traditionally mar our industry, our workers are happy in the knowledge that, if they have queries, these can be sorted instantly as our admin department shares the branch location and there is constant interaction bewteen operations and admin.
As of Autumn 2022, our permanent staff numbers number fourteen, supplemented with temporary help over our busiest periods, so that all clients can be fully and properly serviced.