Predictions for Jobs in Events in 2019
Working in the event industry is unpredictable. No two days are ever the same and it’s one of the highlights of being in the sector. However, it’s also a gift and a curse because employees, bosses, and entrepreneurs never know when the wheel will turn too much. The good news is there are a lot of exciting things on the horizon. They may appear scary and threatening at first, but the potential is undeniable. With that in mind below are a few predictions for jobs in events in 2019. The following is what you have to look forward to, not what you have to look back at over your shoulder.
The average crowd size for a conference in the UK is 258. That’s 258 people who want to watch a knowledgeable person speak about a topic pertaining to their career. Businesses understand the need to make things new and exciting for clients, customers, and employees, and events are the way forward. As a result, there is bound be a higher number of occasions which revolve around the corporate sector. After all, the industry is worth an estimated £19 billion so you may be speaking to men and women in suits on a regular basis.
Change In Setup
A direct knock-on effect of more companies attending events and hiring event services is a change in format. Thanks to TED, gone are the days when a crowd would sit in a seat and listen to a speech for a whole hour. Nowadays, audiences want interactive and relatable content which they can touch and feel as well as see. Any firm which doesn’t provide this service will quickly fall down the pecking order in terms of popularity. Judging by the current market, it seems as if the workload for event staff will focus on content which pops and sparkles, such as multimedia.
Outside Work
Right now, you may work in a nice, warm, cosy office yet it could all change in the future. As of today, the outdoor event industry is worth £1 billion and accounts for over 7,000 major occasions each year. As a result of that and with over 250 billion people attending UK music festivals, there is going to be demand for outdoor services. Even companies that don’t specialise will look to break into the sector and that could mean in jobs going al fresco.
Growth Sector
The events sector in total is worth over £40 billion in Britain. Since 2015, there has been a rise of 8% from the last report into the industry. Therefore, even with Brexit, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence which suggests the rate will drop anytime soon. For workers already with a steady job, it’s an indicator of the security of the role. Granted, anything can happen yet it seems as if the predicted recession won’t dent the growth figures. Remember that those in trouble look to event services as a way to repair their reputation via getting reinvented.
What are your predictions for jobs in events in 2019? What do you hope will happen?