
How to negotiate a pay rise

Negotiating a pay rise can be done with careful preparation and effective communication, you can increase your chances of success. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to negotiate a pay rise:


Research industry standards and salary benchmarks for your role and level of experience. Use websites like Glassdoor, PayScale, or industry-specific salary surveys to gather information on typical salary ranges in your field.

Assess Your Value:

Evaluate your contributions to the company, including your achievements, skills, expertise, and any additional responsibilities you've taken on since your last pay review. Be prepared to articulate how your performance has added value to the organisation.

Choose the Right Time:

Timing is crucial when negotiating a pay rise. Schedule a meeting with your manager at a time when they are not too busy or stressed. Ideally, aim to have the discussion during your performance review or when you've recently achieved significant milestones or accomplishments.

Practice Your Pitch:

Prepare a compelling pitch outlining why you deserve a pay rise. Focus on concrete examples of your contributions, accomplishments, and the positive impact you've had on the organisation. Practice your pitch beforehand to ensure clarity and confidence.

Be Professional and Confident:

Approach the negotiation with professionalism and confidence. Maintain a positive attitude and demeanour throughout the discussion, and be prepared to advocate for yourself assertively while remaining respectful and polite.

Know Your Desired Outcome:

Determine your desired outcome before entering the negotiation. Be clear about the salary increase you are seeking and any other benefits or perks you would like to negotiate, such as additional vacation time or professional development opportunities.

Be Flexible:

Be open to negotiation and willing to compromise if necessary. Your employer may not be able to meet your salary expectations immediately, but they may be willing to offer other forms of compensation or benefits to address your concerns.

Have a Plan B:

If your request for a pay rise is not immediately granted, have a plan B in place. Consider alternative options such as performance-based bonuses, profit-sharing arrangements, or opportunities for career advancement within the organisation.

Follow Up:

Regardless of the outcome of the negotiation, be sure to follow up with your manager after the discussion. Express gratitude for their time and consideration, and ask for feedback on how you can continue to progress in your career.

Continue to Excel:

Regardless of the outcome of the negotiation, continue to excel in your role and demonstrate your value to the organisation. Keep track of your achievements and contributions, and be prepared to revisit the topic of a pay rise in the future if warranted. 

By following these steps and approaching the negotiation with confidence, preparation, and professionalism, you can increase your chances of successfully getting a pay rise that reflects your value and contributions to the organisation.
Posted by: Extraman Recruitment