
How to write a self-appraisal for an annual performance review

Writing a self-appraisal for an annual performance review involves reflecting on your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement over the past year. It’s an opportunity to showcase your achievements, demonstrate your value to the organisation, and set goals for the future. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write an effective self-appraisal:

  1. Start with a Clear Structure
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the purpose of the self-appraisal.
  • Key Sections: Divide your self-appraisal into critical sections, such as Achievements, Challenges, Goals, and Development.
  1. Reflect on Your Achievements
  • Specific Examples: Highlight specific projects, tasks, or responsibilities where you excelled. Use data and concrete examples to support your points.
  • Quantify Results: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements with metrics or statistics (e.g., increased sales by 20%, completed projects ahead of schedule).
  • Impact: Describe the impact of your work on the team, department, or organisation.
  1. Discuss Challenges and How You Addressed Them
  • Identify Challenges: Acknowledge any significant challenges you faced during the review period.
  • Problem-Solving: Explain how you addressed these challenges, focusing on your problem-solving skills and resilience.
  • Learning Experiences: Highlight what you learned from these experiences and how they contributed to your growth.
  1. Assess Your Goals
  • Review Past Goals: Reflect on your goals in the previous review period. Assess whether you achieved them and discuss the progress made.
  • Set New Goals: Based on your reflection, set new SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for the upcoming review period.
  1. Identify Areas for Improvement
  • Honest Assessment: Honestly evaluate areas where you can improve. Be specific about the skills or competencies you want to develop.
  • Action Plan: Outline how you intend to address these areas. This might include training, mentorship, or taking on new responsibilities.
  1. Highlight Professional Development
  • Training and Courses: Mention any training programs, courses, or certifications you completed.
  • Skills Acquired: Describe the new skills or knowledge you acquired and how they have benefited your role.
  1. Seek Feedback and Collaboration
  • Feedback Integration: If applicable, discuss any feedback you received from peers, supervisors, or clients and how you used it to improve your performance.
  • Team Contribution: Highlight your contributions to team projects and your ability to collaborate effectively.
  1. Express Gratitude and Commitment
  • Appreciation: Express gratitude for the support and opportunities provided by your manager and organisation.
  • Future Commitment: Reinforce your commitment to your role, the team, and the organisation’s goals.
  1. Edit and Proofread
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure your self-appraisal is clear, concise, and jargon-free. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and stay focused on critical points.
  • Proofread: Check for grammatical errors, typos, and consistency. A well-written self-appraisal reflects your attention to detail.

Example Self-Appraisal Structure


I am pleased to provide my self-appraisal for the past year. This review covers my key achievements, challenges faced, progress towards goals, and areas for future development.


  • Project Management: Successfully led the XYZ project, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction. This involved coordinating a cross-functional team and ensuring the project was completed two weeks ahead of time.
  • Sales Performance: Exceeded sales targets by 15%, contributing to a total revenue increase of £50,000 for the department.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Resource Constraints: Faced challenges due to limited resources during the ABC project. Addressed this by optimising existing resources and implementing more efficient workflows, leading to timely project completion.

Goal Assessment

  • Goal Achievement: I met the goal of enhancing my technical skills by completing the Advanced Data Analysis course, which improved my efficiency in data-driven decision-making.
  • New Goals: Aim to develop leadership skills by participating in the company’s leadership training program and seeking mentorship opportunities.

Areas for Improvement

  • Public Speaking: Identify a need to improve public speaking skills. Plan to attend workshops and seek opportunities to present in team meetings to build confidence and proficiency.

Professional Development

  • Certifications: I completed the Certified Project Manager (CPM) certification, which has enabled me to manage more extensive and more complex projects effectively.


I am grateful for the support and guidance from my team and manager over the past year. I look forward to contributing to our organisation’s success and achieving new milestones in the upcoming year.

By following this structured approach, you can create a comprehensive and compelling self-appraisal that highlights your contributions and sets the stage for future growth and success.

Posted by: Extraman Recruitment