
How to Keep the Best Temporary Workers Happy

It’s tempting to think of temporary workers as a flash in the pan. As long as they do a decent job for a short period, everyone is a winner. But, with over 800,000 temps in positions across the UK and that figure set to rise to one million, it’s more important than ever to keep them happy. Temps who enjoy their role are more likely to be productive and maintain a high quality of work, so it makes sense from a business perspective.

The thing is, they are different from full-time permanent workers so you need to mix up your approach. Below are the best ways to keep them happy.

Create Clear Goals

The end is in sight from the very beginning, which can be helpful and harmful. Some people may see it as a way to stay focused for the length of their stay. Others will slack off because they know they are leaving in six months. To prevent this from happening, you should create and state clear goals for them to achieve. By rewarding them with incentives, financial and otherwise, it should encourage them to work harder and smarter. Be sure to inform them of the targets before letting them loose in the office.

Make Them Part Of The Team

One thing temps hate is to feel as if they are on the outside. Because of their position in the company, it’s as if they are disposable and they can sense the tension. It’s nothing nasty or malicious; it’s a simple air of not being included. The good news is you can fix this problem very easily. Calling people by their name, and remembering it, is a sign you care. Plus, it shows them you are watching and are taking an interest. Alternatively, you can stage a welcoming party for recruits to introduce them to the team.

Show Them The Way To A Full-Time Position

There is nothing worse than working for the sake of working. In simple terms, everybody needs career progression to maintain their happiness. For them, a promotion is going from a temp to a full-time employee of the firm with a permanent position. So, it’s essential you show them this is possible with hard work and determination. Mention the chance of a promotion in a meeting and introduce them to people who have walked their path to show them it’s possible.

Onboard Them

Don’t only teach them the basics to do their job; open up the entire spectrum. Foregoing the onboarding process results in a high rate of turnover and people who have narrow skill sets. This limits their ability to perform tasks, which reflects poorly on the business. There’s no need to train or retrain every temp or teach them every skill. Instead, give them the basics. Not only will this help the company if they apply for a position, but it will make them feel like a valued member of the team.

When you think of how to keep the best temporary workers happy, remember it’s about creating goals, giving them opportunities, and making them part of the community.

Posted by: Extraman Recruitment