
October Armageddon?

Next month, the government promises major changes in workplace entitlements. They are seeking to radically improve working conditions for employees.
In principal, this is to be applauded. But, with no consultations having taken place before the new era is announced, there is concern that unintended consequences may result.

Within the recruitment industry, weaknesses in legislation have been ruthlessly exploited. Those agencies that wish to comply have found themselves at severe disadvantage compared with those who find loopholes easily and profit hugely from them.

There are those within the recruitment industry who predict the end of contingent workers; if unfair dismissal can occur from the first day of employment, red lights will certainly be flashing. The reality is probably very different but there is little doubt that October will see a seismic shift in worker/employer relationships. For better or worse remains to be seen. The devil will be certainly be in the detail.