
News for 2015


The last 3 months of the year, in particular, were incredibly busy for us, and we are very grateful to all of those who have worked and represented Extraman at our clients. It can be a highly pressurised time for all, and at Earl's Court we have had react, often at very short notice and with your help, to our clients' needs.


We do try and give our temp workers as much notice as possible of working arrangements, but the nature of our business means that we are often changing schedules, workloads and requirements.  We appreciate the patience and understanding that our teams show, and we hope this is reflected in the way we treat our temps.


We have some key aspirations regarding how we treat our workers, and the most basic of these is probably the most important - to pay all of our temps fairly, to pay them on time, and to pay them accurately. Where mistakes occur, and in this time critical environment they will, we rectify as soon as possible and communicate this to our temps. Holiday pay is always shown on our payslips so temps know exactly what is due to them, and all of our workers have access to all our consultants and management teams.


If anyone has any suggestions on how we can do better, we are always open to improvements!